Purpose & mission

IBELIEVEGODBRAND formerly known as Plan Pray Create, was founded in 2014. God laid the vision on the heart of Christopher Straughter in 2014. Ten years later, God has released the complete vision for our company.

Christopher and Darian have been together for 10 years, married for almost 4 years, with 1 baby boy. They have experienced many different situations in life, in marriage, and in parenthood that could have deterred them from the mission. Believing God was the ONLY option. In every situation good or bad, they always say, “I BELIEVE GOD”. In spite of all the things they have experienced, they choose to “KEEP GOING” and believe God.

No matter what things look like to the natural eye, they choose to look ahead and run the race God has set before them. As Christopher and Darian continue to build this vision with God, they pray that as you support them you will always remember to “KEEP GOING” and always say “I BELIEVE GOD”.




plan. pray. create. | i believe god.